Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Mornings- coffeee and Knitting

Here I am, after leaving my kids at school, drinking my coffee and about to start my work. It´s the most quiet time in the day. Love it!!! Just the perfect time for small knitting breaks. Here, as promised, the sleepers! Hope you love them and feel them as comfortable as I do. This is a N36/37 for Argentina. Like a 7 to 7 1/2 for USA. I knitted them for my 10 year old Daughter and she loved them!!!! As you see they are a little bit different from the one in the pattern. The "difference" is that they are a little bit "higher" but that only means knitting three more rows! Easy =) I just followed the posted pattern till row 5. After Row 5 I started measure them on my daughter´s feet until they fit. In short, I knitted 9 more "circle" rows equal to row N 5. After that I followed pattern, (flat row N1 and 2- tejido lineal hileras 1 y 2) and started to measure them again. I knitted 9 flat rows (9 filas lineales) in total before going to what in the pattern is called row N 21. I knitted 8 rows of 10 SC (simple crochet) (en español: mp: medio punto) as explained in ROW 21 within the pattern. I then closed and sew. After finishing them, including the nice white flower I decided I still wanted to give another "touch" to it and knitted three gray rows on the top followed by white. ENJOY!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry! I forgot telling you that this pattern is the one I published last Friday 16th April! "PANTUFLAS CROCHET".


Translations Crochet (English to Spanish)

CH : Chain/ Cadena o cadeneta
CH SP INCR: (vareta, cadeneta, vareta) en el mismo punto
CHAIN: Cadena
HOOK: Aguja de crochet
SLIP STITCH: Saltar una cadeneta

Translations Spanish English- Knitting

Término/ Sinónimo/Traducción al inglés

Abrigo /xxx/coat

Aumentar/ XXX/ increase

Borla/ xxx/ tassel

Cadena o cadeneta/ xxx/ chain stitch

Chal / Reboso (México) Mañanita (México)/shawl

Chalina/ Bufanda/ scarf

Chullo/ XXX/ Peruvian hat

Chompa/ sueter o jersey (España)/ sweater

Crochet/ ganchillo- gancho para tejer (México)/ crochet, hook

Disminución simple/ surjete simple / decrease - skp (slip,knit,pass)- (slip1, knit1, pass the slipped, stitch over. The same as SKP)

Horquilla / Horquilleta/ Hairpin lace

Jalar / tensar, estirar o amarrar (España) / throw away

Lana / estambre / wool, yarn

Lazada / hebra/ yarn over (wrap the yarn around right needle)

loop / Medida / gauge

Palos o palitos de tejer/ dos agujas-agujas de tejer / knitting needles

Pastilla tejida/ motivo (cuadrado, hexágono o círculo) (Argentina) /

Poncho / capa (México) poncho

Punto / Stitch

Punto raso (crochet)/ slip stitch

Punto bajo (crochet) / medio pilar (Guatemala)- media vareta/ single crochet

Punto alto (crochet) / pilar, vareta o macizo (México) punto monito (México) / half double crochet

Punto alto doble (crochet) / doble pilar (Guatemala) doble vareta / double crochet

Punto alto triple (crochet) /triple vareta /treble crochet

Punto alto en relieve (crochet)/ front post double crochet

Pompón / Borla (México) Mota o motita (México) / pom pom

Punto inglés (dos agujas)/ Brioche stitch

Punto santa clara / Punto musgo (México) / Garter stitch

Ropón / chambrita (México) chaqueta de bebé suetercito (Guatemala) / baby jacket

Tapado / echarpe, poncho o abrigo abrochado por delante (España)

Tejer / calcetar (España) / knit

Telar / telar maya o azteca (México) / loom

Daisypath Anniversary

Daisypath Anniversary tickers