Showing posts with label Crochet Flowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crochet Flowers. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Flower Patterns

Color A (lime green)

Fanciful Flower

Four colors:

Color B (yellow)
Color C (purple)
Color D (lavender)


Rnd 1: With Color A, ch 5 (counts as a dc and ch-1 sp); in 5th ch from hook work (dc, ch 1) 5 times; join in 4th ch of beg ch-5: six ch-1 sps. Finish off Color A.
Rnd 2: Join Color B with sc in any ch-1 sp, in same sp work(hdc, 2 dc, hdc, sc): petal made; *in next ch-1 sp work petal of(sc, hdc, 2 dc, hdc, sc); rep from * around, join with sl st in beg sc. Finish off Color B.
Rnd 3: Working behind petals of Rnd 2, join Color C with sl st in strands at back of center 2 dc sts of any petal; *ch 4, join with sl st in strands at back of center 2 dc sts of next petal; rep from * around, ending last rep with ch 4, join with sl st in beg sl st; 6 ch-4 sps.
Rnd 4: *In next ch-4 sp work petal of (sc, hdc, 4 dc, hdc, sc); rep from * around, join with sl st in beg sc. Finish off Color C.
Rnd 5: Working behind petals of Rnd 4, join Color D with sl st in strands at back of center 2 dc of any petal; *ch 5, sl st in strands at back of center 2 dc of next petal; rep from * around, ending last rep with sl st in beg sl st.
Rnd 6: *In next ch-5 sp work petal of (sc, hdc, 2 dc, 2 tr, 2 dc, hdc, sc); rep from * around, join with sl st in beg sc. Finish off Color D; weave in yarn ends.

Bold Bloom

Two Colors:
Color A (lime green)
Color B ( bright pink)

Stitch Guide

Cluster (CL): *YO, insert hook in ring and draw up a lp to height of a dc, YO and draw through 2 lps; rep from * 3 times more, YO and draw through 4 lps: CL made.

With Color A, ch 8, join with sl st to form a ring.
Rnd 1 (right side): Ch 3; *work CL in ring, ch 3; rep from * 7 times more, join with sl st in top of first CL: 8 ch-3 sps; finish off Color A.
Rnd 2: Join Color B with sc in any ch-3 sp between CLs; in same sp work (hdc, 2 dc, tr, 2 dc, hdc, sc): petal made; * in next ch-3 sp between CLs work petal of (sc,hdc, 2 dc, tr, 2 dc, hdc, sc); rep from * around, join in beg sc: 8 petals made.
Rnd 3: Ch 2; turn piece to wrong side; *sc in back strands of next sc to right, ch 3, sc in back strands of next tr, ch 3; rep from * around, join: 16 ch-3 sps.
Rnd 4: Turn piece to right side; in each ch-3 sp work petal of (sc, hdc, dc, tr, dc, hdc, sc): 16 petals made; join. Finish off, weave in yarn ends.

Sunny Flower
Two colors:
Color A (orange)
Color B (gold)

With Color A, ch 4.
Rnd 1: Work 11 dc in 4th ch from hook; join with sl st in top of beg ch.
Rnd 2: Ch 3 (counts as first dc of rnd), dc in joining; work 2 dc in each st around; join with sl st in top of beg ch: 24 dc. Finish off Color A.
Rnd 3: Join Color B with sc in any dc; *ch 20, sc in next dc; rep from * around, ending last rep with sl st in beg sc. Finish off; weave in yarn ends.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Crochet Guia de Puntos- Dos Agujas- Especial Flores

Increible Revista!
Todas flores y Hojas en dos agujas!!!!
CLickea en la foto o en el link de abajo para descargarla!

Y se vienen mas!
A esta edicion me la habia perdido, se agoto antes de mi corrida al kiosco!!!!!
Asique estoy feliz de haberla encontrado.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Half African FLower Patter

Dear Penelopes,

Here Half African Flower Hexagon for you!

Thanks to Bigu Osuna!

African Flower Hexagon Crochet Tutorial

Estos patrones se publicaron originalmente en una revista sudafricana, y las diseñadoras son Lounette Fourie y Anita Roussouw.

You will need several colours of yarn and a size 5mm crochet hook.

Necesitarás hilos de varios colores y una aguja de crochet de 5mm.

Start by making a slip knot, and make 5 chain stitches.

Empieza haciendo un nudo corredizo y realiza 5 puntos cadena.

Slip stitch into the first chain, to make a ring. If you are not sure how to do this, please look at this post.
Haz un punto enano en la primera cadena para formar un anillo. Si no estás segura de cómo hacerlo, por favor mira este post.
Chain 3 (this will form the first dc).

Cadena 3 (esto formará el primer punto alto o vareta)

Make a dc into the ring. Your work should look like the pic above.

Haz un punto alto en el anillo. Tu trabajo debe ser similar a la fotografía de arriba.

Chain 1.

Cadena 1

Make 2 dc into the ring. You should now have 4 dc's separated by a chain stitch.

Haz 2 puntos altos en el anillo. Ahora deberías tener 4 puntos altos separados por una cadeneta.

Repeat, until you have six x (2dc, ch,2dc) sets.

Repite el proceso hasta tener seis series de puntos de cruz (2 puntos altos, punto cadena, 2 puntos altos).

Slip stitch into the third chain of your initial 3chain, made at the beginning of the round.

Haz un punto enano en la tercera cadena de tu cadena 3 inicial, hecha al inicio de la vuelta.

Cut yarn, join a new colour.

Corta el hilo, agrega un color nuevo.

Insert hook into the space just to the right of the 3ch leg from the previous round. Yarn around hook, pull yarn through, ch3.
Introduce la aguja en el espacio que está a la derecha de los 3 puntos cadena de la vuelta anterior. Con el hilo alrededor de la aguja, jálalo a través de los 3 puntos cadena.

1dc into the same space.

1 punto alto en el mismo espacio.

Ch1 and the make 2dc into the same space again. Your work should look like the pic above.

Haz 1 punto cadena y luego realiza 2 puntos altos en el mismo espacio nuevamente. Tu trabajo debe ser similar a la fotografía de arriba.

Repeat the previous steps into the next chain space from the previous round, as seen above.

Repite los pasos anteriores en el próximo espacio de la cadena de la vuelta anterior, ver arriba.

Continue with these repeats until you have six sets of 2dc,ch1,2dc.

Continúa con la repetición de estos pasos hasta tener una serie de 2 puntos altos, 1 punto cadena, 2 puntos altos.

Join to the third chain stitch with a slip stitch, to close the round.

Une al tercer punto cadena con un punto enano para completar el círculo.

Insert your hook into the space created by the chain stitch between the 2dc 's, as seen above.

Introduce la aguja en el espacio creado por el punto cadena entre los 2 puntos altos, ver arriba.

Round joined...

Vuelta completa

Chain 3. This again is taking the place of the first dc, and you count it as 1 dc stitch.

Cadena 3. Nuevamente, esto toma el lugar del primer punto alto, y lo consideras como 1 punto alto

Make 6 further dc into the same space. There should be 7 dc's...

Haz 6 puntos altos adicionales en el mismo espacio. Debe haber 7 puntos altos…

Repeat the same into each space, as above.

Repite el mismo procedimiento en cada espacio, como se muestra arriba.

Join round by slip stitch (getting the hang of this :) )

Cierra el círculo con un punto enano (vamos dominando el proceso :) )

Cut yarn, and join new colour.

Corta el hilo, y agrega un color nuevo

Insert hook into the first chain stitch space, yarn around hook, pull yarn through. Yarn around hook again, pull through the stitch on the hook.

Introduce la aguja en el espacio de la primera cadena de puntos, jala el hilo de la aguja. Con el hilo en la aguja nuevamente, jálalo a través del punto en la aguja.

You have made the first sc into the first chain loop.

Haz realizado el primer punto bajo en la primera cadena de hebras.

Repeat 6 times more (sc into every successive chain loop, until there are 7 sc in total).

Repite el proceso 6 veces más (punto bajo en cada hebra sucesiva de la cadena, hasta que haya 7 puntos bajos en total).

You will now do a dc , into the 3rd round space as seen in the pic.This will make a very long dc stitch, but will help to shape the flower petal.

Ahora, realiza un punto alto en el espacio de la tercera vuelta, tal como se muestra en la fotografía. Esto producirá un punto alto muy largo, pero ayudará a dar la forma de pétalo de una flor.

Continue to work you way around the hexagon...7sc, dc, 7sc, dc etc, until you get back to the always, join the round by slip stitch into the first sc.

Continúa trabajando alrededor del hexágono…7 puntos bajos, punto bajo, 7 puntos bajos, punto bajo, etc., hasta que vuelvas al inicio… como es habitual, cierra el círculo con un punto enano en el primer punto bajo.

Cut yarn and join a new colour.

Corta el hilo y agrega un color nuevo

Chain 3.

Cadena 3.

Dc into the next loop of the sc you made in the previous round. Repeat until you have 4dc made.

Haz un punto alto en las hebras del punto bajo que hiciste en la vuelta anterior. Repite el proceso hasta que hayas hecho 4 puntos altos.

You will now have reached the middle of the top of the flower petal. Ch1, then make another dc into the same space as the previous dc. It is this chain that helps to form the hexagon shape.

En esta instancia, has llegado a la mitad de la parte superior del pétalo de la flor. Haz 1 punto cadena, luego haz otro punto alto en el mismo espacio que el punto alto anterior. Es esta cadena la que ayuda a formar la figura del hexágono.

I have marked the middle stitch with a pink dot, so that you can clearly see where the dc,ch,dc has to be made, over each petal. Work your way around the hexagon, working in the above pattern.

He marcado la zona media con un punto rosado, de manera a que puedas ver claramente donde se deben realizar el punto alto, el punto cadena y el punto alto sobre cada pétalo. Continúa trabajando alrededor del hexágono, utilizando el patrón de arriba.

Join the last dc to the 3rd chain of the beginning leg, as in the previous rounds.

Une el último punto alto a la tercera cadena del inicio de la serie, como en las vueltas anteriores.

If you prefer, you can add another round in a different colour. This extra round is worked in exactly the same way as the previous round, again making a dc,ch1,dc, over the middle of the petal...
Hope this makes sense...

Saturday, July 2, 2011


 MATERIALS: J hook; ww yarn approximately 2 oz

Note 1: beginning chain does not count as a stitch
Note 2: join in first "real" stitch of round, ignoring beginning chain
Note 3: numbers in ( ) at end of rows depicts number of stitches for the row
Note 4: "eye" refers to the ch 1 that colsed a cluster

ch = chain
cluster = group of stitches worked all in the same stitch
dc = double crochet; wrap yarn around hook 1 time and work off loops 2 at a time.
ea = each
dtr = double treble; wrap yarn around hook 3 times and work off 2 loops at a time.
sc = single crochet
sk = skip
st = stitch
yo = yarn over; wrap yarn around hook

ROW 1: ch 3, 12 dc in first st. Join in first dc. (12 sts)

ROW 2: ch 2, 2 dc in same st as join, 2 dc in ea st around. Join in first dc. (24 sts)

ROW 3: ch 2, 2 dc in same sp as join, 1 dc in next st, (2 dc in next st, 1 dc in next st) around. Join in first dc. (36 sts)

ROW 4: ch 2, 2 dc in first st, 1 dc in next 2 sts, (2 dc in next st, 1 dc in next 2 sts) around. Join in first dc. (48 sts)

ROW 5: ch 2, 2 dc in same st as join, 1 dc in next 3 sts, (2 dc in next st, 1 dc in next 3 sts) around. Join in first dc. (60 sts)

ROW 6:
step 1: holding last loop of ea st on hook, ch 6, 2 dtr in 6th ch from hook (3 loops on hook - leave them there)
step 2: holding last loop of ea st on hook, sk 5 sts 3 dtr in next st (6 loops on hook) yo, draw thru 6 loops on hook ch 1 to close cluster
step 3: holding last loop of ea st on hook ch 6, 2 dtr in 6th ch from hook (3 loops on hook - leave them there)
step 4: holding last loop of ea st on hook 3 dtr in same st as last cluster (6 loops on hook - leave them there)
step 5: holding last loop of ea st on hook sk 5 sts 3 dtr in next st (9 loops on hook) yo, draw thru all 9 loops
ch 1 to close cluster

note: the last step 5 cluster of row is worked in the base of the first ch-6

Repeat steps 3 - 4 - 5 around, ending with

repeat step 3 (3 loops on hook)

yo, draw thru 3 loops

join with sl st in eye of first cluster.

ROW 7: This row is worked in the eyes made in row 6 instead of skipping stitches.
step 1: holding last loop of ea st on hook ch 6 2 dtr in 6th st from hook yo, draw thru 3 loops ch 1 to close cluster
step 2: holding last loop of ea st on hook., ch 6 - 2 dtr in 6th st from hook (3 loops on hook - leave them there)
step 3: holding last loop of ea st on hook, 3 dtr in same eye as first cluster (6 loops on hook - leave them there)
step 4: holding last loop of ea st on hook 3 dtr in next eye (9 loops on hook) yo, draw thru 9 loops ch 1 to close cluster

Repeat steps 2 - 3 - 4 around, ending with

repeat step 2 and 3 (6 loops on hook)

yo draw thru 6 loops

ch 1 to close cluster

Note: row 3 is worked in the eyes and the ch-6 of the first clusters, place the stitch around the chain instead of in it.

ROW 8: ch 1, sc in same st as join, ch 3, (1sc in next ch-6, ch 3, sc in next eye, ch 3) around, end with sl st in last eye, sl st in first sc to join.

ROW 9: ch 1, sc in same st as join, (2 sc in ch-3 sp, sc in next sc, 2 sc in ch-3 sp) around. Join in first sc. Fasten off and weave in ends

Irish Crochet FLower: aNother!!!!

copyright © 11/10/04 Dot Matthews

ww yarn, I hook
Gauge is not important to this project, different size hooks and yarn weights yield different size flowers.
The pink flower is 5 1/2 inches and the white flower is 5 inches from the edge of one petal to the edge of the opposite petal. Both were made with an I hook and worsted weight yarn.
bp sl st = Back Post sl st.
Insert hook into designated hole from BACK to front, insert hook into next hole from FRONT to back.  Your hook is now laying over a post, yo and pull thru both holes, and the loop on hook. BACK POST SL ST made.
ROW 1: ch 2, 7 sc in first ch. Do not join.
ROW 2: *1 sc, 1 hdc, 1 dc, 1 hdc, 1 sc, all in the next st*. Repeat from * to * in each st around. Do not join. (7 petals)
Note: Look at the center of the flower. You'll see a center hole that was made by the stitches of row 1, and 7 holes made by the stitches of row 2. The sides of the holes is called the "post".  The stitches of row 3 will be worked around these posts.
ROW 3: working in the hole made from the last petals, insert hook from BACK to front, around the post and into the next hole from front to back. yo and pull thru both holes, and the loop on hook. BACK POST SL ST made. ch 3, *bp sl st around the next post, ch 3,* repeat from * to * around, sl st in first ch. (7 ch-3 spaces).
ROW 4: * 1 sc, 1 hdc, 2 dc, 1 hdc, 1 sc in next ch-3 space.* Repeat from * to * around.
ROW 5: *bp sl st around next post, ch 4, * repeat from * to * around, sl st in first ch.
ROW 6: * 1 sc, 1 hdc, 3 dc, 1 hdc, 1 sc, in next ch-4 loop. * Repeat from * to * around.
ROW 7: *bp sl st around next post, ch 5, * repeat from * to * around, sl st in first ch.
ROW 8: * 1 sc, 1 hdc, 4 dc, 1 hdc, 1 sc, in next ch-5 loop. * Repeat from * to * around.
ROW 9: *bp sl st around next post, ch 6, * repeat from * to * around, sl st in first ch.
ROW 10: * 1 sc, 1 hdc, 2 dc, 1 tr, 2 dc, 1 hdc, 1 sc, in next ch-6 loop. * Repeat from * to * around.

Fasten off, weave in ends, and sew a safety pin or pin back to the back

Irish 5 Petal FLower

5-petal flower

worsted weight yarn
5.0 mm (H/8) crochet hook
yarn needle for weaving in ends
3-5 beads or small sequins(optional)
sewing thread to match center of flower (optional)
sewing needle (optional)


When I say to slip stitch into back center stitch of first petal I mean to work into the vertical threads found at the base and only on the back of the center st of the first petal as shown in photo.

This flower was designed so that the petals pulled together to form a cupped flower shape.

See option for beaded center below.

Special Stitch:
 edc (extended double crochet): yo, insert hook in st, yo and pull up a loop, yo and pull through first loop on hook, [yo and pull through two loops on hook] twice.
5-Petal Flower Pattern
Ch 2.
Rnd 1: 5 sc in first ch, sl st in front loop only (flo) of first sc to join.
Rnd 2: Work (sc, ch 1) in flo of same st, *(sl st, sc, sl st) in flo of next sc; rep from * around, sl st in remaining back loop only (blo) of first sc from rnd 1.
Rnd 3: *Ch 2, sl st in blo of next sc; rep from * around ending sl st in first ch-2 sp.
Rnd 4: Work 4 hdc in same ch-2 sp, *(sl st, 4 hdc) in next ch-2 sp; rep from * around ending sl st into back center st (see Notes) of first petal.
Rnd 5: *Ch 3, sl st into back center st of next petal; rep from * around ending sl st in first ch-3 sp.
Rnd 6: Work (hdc, 4 dc, hdc) in same ch-3 sp, *(sl st, hdc, 4 dc, hdc) in next ch-3 sp; rep from * around ending sl st into back center st of the first petal.
Rnd 7: *Ch 4, sl st into back center st of the next petal; rep from * around ending sl st in first ch-4 sp.
Rnd 8: Work (hdc, 6 edc, hdc) in same ch-4 sp, *(sl st, hdc, 6 edc, hdc) in next ch-4 sp; rep from * around ending sl st into back center st of the first petal.
Rnd 7: *Ch 5, sl st into back center st of next petal; rep from * around ending sl st in first ch-5 sp.
Rnd 8: Work (dc, 8 tr, dc) in same ch-5 sp, *(sl st, dc, 8 tr, dc) in next ch-5 sp; rep from * around ending sl st into back center st of the first petal.

Fasten off and weave in ends.
crochet 5 petal flower

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

FLOWERS: Brilliant Crocheted Blooms

Designed by: Nazanin Fard

• Size E Crochet hook
• 5 yds./color of DMC Senso thread in three desired colors

Skill Level: Intermediate

Stitch Gauge: 6 sc = 1"

Note: Petal rounds are worked from front of flower to back.

Rosette: With one color, ch 5. Sl st into first ch to form a ring.

Rnd 1: * Ch 7, sl st into the ring; rep from * 6 times. (6 petals started)

Rnd 2: * (sc, hdc, dc, 5 tr, dc, hdc, sc) in next ch-sp*; rep from * alternating colors for each petal. (You will have two petals per color.)

Rnd 3: Sl st into the center ring inside of the first petal, * ch 9, sl st into center ring inside of next petal.* (6 petals started for second row)

Rnd 4: * (sc, hdc, dc, 7 tr, dc, hdc, sc) in next ch-sp*; rep from * alternating between colors for each petal. Fasten off.

Weave in all ends.

Monday, June 27, 2011


Basic Flower and ....The Basic Flower

Original Design by Fiber Star – Samantha Stopple

Copyright March 2006 : You are free to use these designs for your personal use. You may sell items you make with these. You man NOT hire someone to make these to sell. If you do make these please make note that you used my design. When you print off these patterns please include this copyright information.

For all the flowers I suggest the following:

ww yarn of you choice in 2-3 colors
I liked to use a texture yarn to jazz up the flower
needle to weave in ends


Joining: Where ever it says join you can sl st to join or you can do an invisible join
Finishing off: Weave in ends or colors if you want.

You do need to know how to add new colors.

The Basic Flower:

You can work the flowers in a single color or change colors at each round.

Round 1:
Ch8 sl st join to make ring; Ch1
15 sc in ring, sl st to join

Round 2 options:
Small flower:
Ch6 skip 2st sc in next st around to make 5 petals (5 – 6ch loops) sl st to join;ch1; [(1sc, 1hdc, 2dc,ch1,2dc, 1hdc, 1sc) in the loop, ch1] around for each petal; join, fasten off

Medium flower:
Ch8 skip 2st sc in next st around to make 5 petals (5 – 8ch loops), sl st to join; ch1; [(2sc, 1hdc, 3dc,ch1, 3dc, 1hdc, 2sc ), ch1]; join
Here's what a medium flower looks like changing colors. I used Caron Simply Soft Orchid for the petals and a Mod Dea fancy purple for the center.

Large flower:

Ch10, skip 2sc, sc in the nxt st around for four petals sl st to join in the beg of the first Ch10; (3sc, 2hdc, 2dc, 1 tr, 2dc, 2hdc, 3sc) join

Round 3:

You can add more color:
Create a two-colored flower by doing an additional row around the petals in a different color:

Here’s an idea for the medium flower:

[(3sc, 2dc,3tr(in ch1), 2dc, 3sc) sc around ch1] for each petal, join, fasten off

Here's a flower I made adding an additonal row of color:

Basic Flower

Using Caron Simply Soft Orchid to make Rounds 1& 2 then I used Mod Dea purple fancy yarn for round 3 to make a two colored flower I added a center effect using Mod Dea again doing option B.

Center effect for the flower:

To create that pollen center effect in the flower, I suggest using a color with some texture to mimic the textured look many flowers have from stamens/pollen or a different color.

A: sc in each sc of the ring

B: sc ch1 around

C: sc ch2 around

Maybe introduce a picot stitch too! Or if you do a larger flower maybe you could repeat the smaller flower instructions from Round 2 around for a three-dimensional affect.

Another Flower Pattern (6 petals)

 6 Petal flower free crochet patternHere's another flower I found in  this weekend in

I love the larger center, lack of gaps, and ease of this double-layer daisy.

For those of you who are scared of new stitches, there's no back post single crochet!

Grab the following items and give it a try:

Small amounts of worsted weight yarn, 2 colors (I used Sugar 'n' Cream Robin's Egg Blue and Tangerine)

F crochet hook (unless you crochet loosely, then I'd suggest using a G hook)

Yarn needles

Something to embellish

Notes: BLO means work in the back loop of the stitch only. FLO means to work in the front loop.


Chain 2. (dos cadenas)

Round 1: 6 SC in the first chain. Don't slip stitch to join.
Round 2: 2 SC in each stitch around (12 in all). Sl st in BLO of the next stitch.

Round 3: We're creating the back row of petals first. *Ch 3, skip 1, sc in BLO of next stitch.* Five times. Ch 3, sl st in first ch 3 space to join. You should now have 6 ch 3 spaces.

Round 4: Ch 2, 5 dc, ch 2, sl st. Work *Sl st , ch 2, 5 dc, ch 2, sl st* in each of the remaining ch 3 spaces. You should have 6 petals. Cut yarn.

Round 5: Join your second color yarn in any of the front loops that you left unworked. *ch 2, skip 1, sc in FLO of next stitch* five times. Ch 2, sl st in the first ch 2 space to join.

Round 6: Ch 2, 4 dc, ch 2, sl st. Work *Sl st , ch 2, 4 dc, ch 2, sl st* in each of the remaining ch 3 spaces. You should now have 6 petals in front of your original row of petals.

I attached my finished flower to a simple, double-stranded headband using a small felt circle and hot glue.

My finished product looks like this. I love how the ribbon closure makes these headbands adjustable. This headband will fit my 1 year old or a 6 year old.

This pattern can be used for embelishment of a scarf, sweater, hats, slippers etc.


Please put a link back to this pattern if you share or sell an item using this

Translations Crochet (English to Spanish)

CH : Chain/ Cadena o cadeneta
CH SP INCR: (vareta, cadeneta, vareta) en el mismo punto
CHAIN: Cadena
HOOK: Aguja de crochet
SLIP STITCH: Saltar una cadeneta

Translations Spanish English- Knitting

Término/ Sinónimo/Traducción al inglés

Abrigo /xxx/coat

Aumentar/ XXX/ increase

Borla/ xxx/ tassel

Cadena o cadeneta/ xxx/ chain stitch

Chal / Reboso (México) Mañanita (México)/shawl

Chalina/ Bufanda/ scarf

Chullo/ XXX/ Peruvian hat

Chompa/ sueter o jersey (España)/ sweater

Crochet/ ganchillo- gancho para tejer (México)/ crochet, hook

Disminución simple/ surjete simple / decrease - skp (slip,knit,pass)- (slip1, knit1, pass the slipped, stitch over. The same as SKP)

Horquilla / Horquilleta/ Hairpin lace

Jalar / tensar, estirar o amarrar (España) / throw away

Lana / estambre / wool, yarn

Lazada / hebra/ yarn over (wrap the yarn around right needle)

loop / Medida / gauge

Palos o palitos de tejer/ dos agujas-agujas de tejer / knitting needles

Pastilla tejida/ motivo (cuadrado, hexágono o círculo) (Argentina) /

Poncho / capa (México) poncho

Punto / Stitch

Punto raso (crochet)/ slip stitch

Punto bajo (crochet) / medio pilar (Guatemala)- media vareta/ single crochet

Punto alto (crochet) / pilar, vareta o macizo (México) punto monito (México) / half double crochet

Punto alto doble (crochet) / doble pilar (Guatemala) doble vareta / double crochet

Punto alto triple (crochet) /triple vareta /treble crochet

Punto alto en relieve (crochet)/ front post double crochet

Pompón / Borla (México) Mota o motita (México) / pom pom

Punto inglés (dos agujas)/ Brioche stitch

Punto santa clara / Punto musgo (México) / Garter stitch

Ropón / chambrita (México) chaqueta de bebé suetercito (Guatemala) / baby jacket

Tapado / echarpe, poncho o abrigo abrochado por delante (España)

Tejer / calcetar (España) / knit

Telar / telar maya o azteca (México) / loom

Daisypath Anniversary

Daisypath Anniversary tickers