Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Good Morning!

Dear Penelopes and art friends

Here I am, not feeling so good today (headache, fever, throat ache...) and dreaming of getting out of bed for going to my favourite Yarn Store as I am finishing my proyect. A round, heavy, knee-long round sweater. I am knitting it in a pink-rape sort of colour, in different textures and type of yarns, including a silk one which is really beautiful. Here some photos of the one I am knitting now... hope you like it!!!

Probably my next one will be in greys.

Here my tips:
  1. I select different yarns of different textures using a basic color such as green or brown or pink or grey. Whatever... you choose will be fine.
  2. Another great thing of making a sweater combining different yarns of the same colour is that if you run ouyt of yarn you may just buy more anywhere...
  3. For the hard winter I love heavy yarns (the heavier the better), they not only feel warmer but you knit them quicker and may enjoy your sweater in one weeks time!!! Isn´t that great?! every week with a different new, original, nobody-has sweater?
  4. FOr heavy yarns I just knit in double crochet (vareta simple) so it is much quicker!!!
  5. For different finishings_
    1.  knit your arms either in crochet or you may also knit them in two needles.
    2. You may finish the arms with a hairy yarn (two or three rows will do)!!! try it, you will love it!

Try them and enjoy creating new designs and patterns over the ones you have already knitted and you are confident you manage!!!! you will see that it is simply an adiction to go to yarn stores and discover different combinations!!!!

Till later today!



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Translations Crochet (English to Spanish)

CH : Chain/ Cadena o cadeneta
CH SP INCR: (vareta, cadeneta, vareta) en el mismo punto
CHAIN: Cadena
HOOK: Aguja de crochet
SLIP STITCH: Saltar una cadeneta

Translations Spanish English- Knitting

Término/ Sinónimo/Traducción al inglés

Abrigo /xxx/coat

Aumentar/ XXX/ increase

Borla/ xxx/ tassel

Cadena o cadeneta/ xxx/ chain stitch

Chal / Reboso (México) Mañanita (México)/shawl

Chalina/ Bufanda/ scarf

Chullo/ XXX/ Peruvian hat

Chompa/ sueter o jersey (España)/ sweater

Crochet/ ganchillo- gancho para tejer (México)/ crochet, hook

Disminución simple/ surjete simple / decrease - skp (slip,knit,pass)- (slip1, knit1, pass the slipped, stitch over. The same as SKP)

Horquilla / Horquilleta/ Hairpin lace

Jalar / tensar, estirar o amarrar (España) / throw away

Lana / estambre / wool, yarn

Lazada / hebra/ yarn over (wrap the yarn around right needle)

loop / Medida / gauge

Palos o palitos de tejer/ dos agujas-agujas de tejer / knitting needles

Pastilla tejida/ motivo (cuadrado, hexágono o círculo) (Argentina) /

Poncho / capa (México) poncho

Punto / Stitch

Punto raso (crochet)/ slip stitch

Punto bajo (crochet) / medio pilar (Guatemala)- media vareta/ single crochet

Punto alto (crochet) / pilar, vareta o macizo (México) punto monito (México) / half double crochet

Punto alto doble (crochet) / doble pilar (Guatemala) doble vareta / double crochet

Punto alto triple (crochet) /triple vareta /treble crochet

Punto alto en relieve (crochet)/ front post double crochet

Pompón / Borla (México) Mota o motita (México) / pom pom

Punto inglés (dos agujas)/ Brioche stitch

Punto santa clara / Punto musgo (México) / Garter stitch

Ropón / chambrita (México) chaqueta de bebé suetercito (Guatemala) / baby jacket

Tapado / echarpe, poncho o abrigo abrochado por delante (España)

Tejer / calcetar (España) / knit

Telar / telar maya o azteca (México) / loom

Daisypath Anniversary

Daisypath Anniversary tickers