Monday, June 27, 2011


Basic Flower and ....The Basic Flower

Original Design by Fiber Star – Samantha Stopple

Copyright March 2006 : You are free to use these designs for your personal use. You may sell items you make with these. You man NOT hire someone to make these to sell. If you do make these please make note that you used my design. When you print off these patterns please include this copyright information.

For all the flowers I suggest the following:

ww yarn of you choice in 2-3 colors
I liked to use a texture yarn to jazz up the flower
needle to weave in ends


Joining: Where ever it says join you can sl st to join or you can do an invisible join
Finishing off: Weave in ends or colors if you want.

You do need to know how to add new colors.

The Basic Flower:

You can work the flowers in a single color or change colors at each round.

Round 1:
Ch8 sl st join to make ring; Ch1
15 sc in ring, sl st to join

Round 2 options:
Small flower:
Ch6 skip 2st sc in next st around to make 5 petals (5 – 6ch loops) sl st to join;ch1; [(1sc, 1hdc, 2dc,ch1,2dc, 1hdc, 1sc) in the loop, ch1] around for each petal; join, fasten off

Medium flower:
Ch8 skip 2st sc in next st around to make 5 petals (5 – 8ch loops), sl st to join; ch1; [(2sc, 1hdc, 3dc,ch1, 3dc, 1hdc, 2sc ), ch1]; join
Here's what a medium flower looks like changing colors. I used Caron Simply Soft Orchid for the petals and a Mod Dea fancy purple for the center.

Large flower:

Ch10, skip 2sc, sc in the nxt st around for four petals sl st to join in the beg of the first Ch10; (3sc, 2hdc, 2dc, 1 tr, 2dc, 2hdc, 3sc) join

Round 3:

You can add more color:
Create a two-colored flower by doing an additional row around the petals in a different color:

Here’s an idea for the medium flower:

[(3sc, 2dc,3tr(in ch1), 2dc, 3sc) sc around ch1] for each petal, join, fasten off

Here's a flower I made adding an additonal row of color:

Basic Flower

Using Caron Simply Soft Orchid to make Rounds 1& 2 then I used Mod Dea purple fancy yarn for round 3 to make a two colored flower I added a center effect using Mod Dea again doing option B.

Center effect for the flower:

To create that pollen center effect in the flower, I suggest using a color with some texture to mimic the textured look many flowers have from stamens/pollen or a different color.

A: sc in each sc of the ring

B: sc ch1 around

C: sc ch2 around

Maybe introduce a picot stitch too! Or if you do a larger flower maybe you could repeat the smaller flower instructions from Round 2 around for a three-dimensional affect.

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Translations Crochet (English to Spanish)

CH : Chain/ Cadena o cadeneta
CH SP INCR: (vareta, cadeneta, vareta) en el mismo punto
CHAIN: Cadena
HOOK: Aguja de crochet
SLIP STITCH: Saltar una cadeneta

Translations Spanish English- Knitting

Término/ Sinónimo/Traducción al inglés

Abrigo /xxx/coat

Aumentar/ XXX/ increase

Borla/ xxx/ tassel

Cadena o cadeneta/ xxx/ chain stitch

Chal / Reboso (México) Mañanita (México)/shawl

Chalina/ Bufanda/ scarf

Chullo/ XXX/ Peruvian hat

Chompa/ sueter o jersey (España)/ sweater

Crochet/ ganchillo- gancho para tejer (México)/ crochet, hook

Disminución simple/ surjete simple / decrease - skp (slip,knit,pass)- (slip1, knit1, pass the slipped, stitch over. The same as SKP)

Horquilla / Horquilleta/ Hairpin lace

Jalar / tensar, estirar o amarrar (España) / throw away

Lana / estambre / wool, yarn

Lazada / hebra/ yarn over (wrap the yarn around right needle)

loop / Medida / gauge

Palos o palitos de tejer/ dos agujas-agujas de tejer / knitting needles

Pastilla tejida/ motivo (cuadrado, hexágono o círculo) (Argentina) /

Poncho / capa (México) poncho

Punto / Stitch

Punto raso (crochet)/ slip stitch

Punto bajo (crochet) / medio pilar (Guatemala)- media vareta/ single crochet

Punto alto (crochet) / pilar, vareta o macizo (México) punto monito (México) / half double crochet

Punto alto doble (crochet) / doble pilar (Guatemala) doble vareta / double crochet

Punto alto triple (crochet) /triple vareta /treble crochet

Punto alto en relieve (crochet)/ front post double crochet

Pompón / Borla (México) Mota o motita (México) / pom pom

Punto inglés (dos agujas)/ Brioche stitch

Punto santa clara / Punto musgo (México) / Garter stitch

Ropón / chambrita (México) chaqueta de bebé suetercito (Guatemala) / baby jacket

Tapado / echarpe, poncho o abrigo abrochado por delante (España)

Tejer / calcetar (España) / knit

Telar / telar maya o azteca (México) / loom

Daisypath Anniversary

Daisypath Anniversary tickers