Friday, October 29, 2010

Knitted Cuff- Pulcera Crochet

A knitted cuff is worn like a bracelet. It is a creative and unique piece that people will notice. Cuffs are very easy to make, and do not take very long to complete.

What You Need
You will need knitting needles, yarn, a needle, scissors, and a tape measure. The knitting needles should be smaller, since the stitches must be narrow. You can use any yarn you like, though thicker yarn can be more difficult to work with. You also need to know how to cast on, cast off, and how to knit a basic stitch.

Get Started!
The number of stitches you cast on will determine the thickness of the cuff. You can cast on as few as three, and as many as eight. Consider the thickness of your yarn, since this will also influence the size of the cuff

Measure the width of your wrist. The cuff will have some stretch to it, but add an inch or so to your final length so you will be able to fit it over your hand. Knit until the length of your cuff is the correct measurement. It is a good idea to slide the knitting down to the end of the needle and wrap it around your wrist. This way you will have an idea of the fit.

Once it is the right length, it is time to cast off. Be careful not to make the stitches too tight. Leave about four inches of a tail at the end, and then cut the yarn.

Line up the two ends. Thread your needle with the tail of yarn. Sew the two ends together and tie off the end. You now have a unique knitted cuff!


There are some optional ways to embellish the cuff. You can add beads to it by threading them through the yarn. If the yarn is too thick, quilting thread can be used. Thread the beads and tie them to the stitches in an artistic pattern.

You can also glue buttons, different colors of yarn, and crystals to the cuff. By doing so you can create fun patterns and designs. Fabric or hot glue will work the best.

Thicker cuffs will be easier to embellish. If you plan on embellishing the cuff, cast on at least five stitches so you will have room to add the embellishments. Having tight stitches will also help secure anything you are going to glue or sew onto it.

This fun and easy to make bracelet will be the perfect addition to any outfit! They can be elegant, sporty, artsy, simple or complex. Create your perfectly designed cuff today!

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Translations Crochet (English to Spanish)

CH : Chain/ Cadena o cadeneta
CH SP INCR: (vareta, cadeneta, vareta) en el mismo punto
CHAIN: Cadena
HOOK: Aguja de crochet
SLIP STITCH: Saltar una cadeneta

Translations Spanish English- Knitting

Término/ Sinónimo/Traducción al inglés

Abrigo /xxx/coat

Aumentar/ XXX/ increase

Borla/ xxx/ tassel

Cadena o cadeneta/ xxx/ chain stitch

Chal / Reboso (México) Mañanita (México)/shawl

Chalina/ Bufanda/ scarf

Chullo/ XXX/ Peruvian hat

Chompa/ sueter o jersey (España)/ sweater

Crochet/ ganchillo- gancho para tejer (México)/ crochet, hook

Disminución simple/ surjete simple / decrease - skp (slip,knit,pass)- (slip1, knit1, pass the slipped, stitch over. The same as SKP)

Horquilla / Horquilleta/ Hairpin lace

Jalar / tensar, estirar o amarrar (España) / throw away

Lana / estambre / wool, yarn

Lazada / hebra/ yarn over (wrap the yarn around right needle)

loop / Medida / gauge

Palos o palitos de tejer/ dos agujas-agujas de tejer / knitting needles

Pastilla tejida/ motivo (cuadrado, hexágono o círculo) (Argentina) /

Poncho / capa (México) poncho

Punto / Stitch

Punto raso (crochet)/ slip stitch

Punto bajo (crochet) / medio pilar (Guatemala)- media vareta/ single crochet

Punto alto (crochet) / pilar, vareta o macizo (México) punto monito (México) / half double crochet

Punto alto doble (crochet) / doble pilar (Guatemala) doble vareta / double crochet

Punto alto triple (crochet) /triple vareta /treble crochet

Punto alto en relieve (crochet)/ front post double crochet

Pompón / Borla (México) Mota o motita (México) / pom pom

Punto inglés (dos agujas)/ Brioche stitch

Punto santa clara / Punto musgo (México) / Garter stitch

Ropón / chambrita (México) chaqueta de bebé suetercito (Guatemala) / baby jacket

Tapado / echarpe, poncho o abrigo abrochado por delante (España)

Tejer / calcetar (España) / knit

Telar / telar maya o azteca (México) / loom

Daisypath Anniversary

Daisypath Anniversary tickers