Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Tea Cozy

Shell Stitch Teapot Cozy

Worsted Weight Yarn

Scraps of Yarn for Flowers & Leaves

Size G Crochet Hook

Tapestry Needle

Measure the base of your teapot on one side of the spout and handle. That will be the length of your starting chain. Chain however many you need to reach that length. You want your cozy to be tight and have to stretch slightly to fit. Err on the side of making the chain too short rather than too long. It will bunch up and look messy if you make the cozy too large. The below instructions are for a teapot that measures 8 inches on each side.

For Base (Make 2)

Ch 26

Row 1: Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each stitch across to end, Ch 1; turn.

Row 2: Sc in same st, *sk 2 st, 5 dc in next st (shell made), sk 2 st, sc in next* repeat from * to * to end of row. Ch 3; turn.

Row 3: 2 dc in same space as ch 3, skip 2 dc and sc in top of next dc, *skip 2 st, 5 dc in sc of previous row, sk 2 st, sc in top of next dc * Repeat between *’s to end, 3 dc in last stitch, ch 1; turn.

Row 4: Sc in same stitch, skip 2 st, *5 dc in sc of previous row, sk 2 st, sc in top of next dc, sk 2 st* Repeat between *’s to end, sc in last stitch (top of ch 3 from previous row); ch 3; turn.

Repeat Rows 3 & 4 until piece is desired height, ending with Row 3. Fasten off and weave-in ends.

With wrong sides together, whip-stitch both pieces together on the sides to form a tube, leaving a small gap on one side for the spout and a larger gap on the other side for the handle.

Sc around the top opening of the cozy and also around the opening for the spout and the handle. This gives it a more finished and neat appearance.

Teapot Lid Cover

I wasn’t sure how to attach the flowers & leaves, so I just crocheted a circle slightly larger than the teapot lid and attached it to the top edge of the cozy on one side with ten firm stitches to create a flap. I used the crochet circle instructions HERE, but you can make it however you wish. (Note: It would be much easier to crochet the flowers & leaves onto the circle first and then attach it to the top edge of the cozy. I wasn’t that smart when I made mine and it was kind of awkward and fumbly. Live and learn!)

Make flowers and leaves and sew onto the lid and/or body as desired.

A Few Flowers & Leaves Links:

Allcraft Flowers

Crochet Pattern Central Flowers

Crochet Mania Flowers

Summersnook Flowers & Leaves

3d Digest Leaves


If anyone would like to make a tutorial using this pattern, please feel free. Use the pattern however you wish. A link back to me would be appreciated if you post it on your blog.

Please let me know if you find any errors. This pattern was not tested prior to posting. (I didn’t want to ask anyone to test it during the holidays.)

I hope you enjoy using this pattern as much as I did when creating it. It took many hours, but I enjoyed every minute!

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Translations Crochet (English to Spanish)

CH : Chain/ Cadena o cadeneta
CH SP INCR: (vareta, cadeneta, vareta) en el mismo punto
CHAIN: Cadena
HOOK: Aguja de crochet
SLIP STITCH: Saltar una cadeneta

Translations Spanish English- Knitting

Término/ Sinónimo/Traducción al inglés

Abrigo /xxx/coat

Aumentar/ XXX/ increase

Borla/ xxx/ tassel

Cadena o cadeneta/ xxx/ chain stitch

Chal / Reboso (México) Mañanita (México)/shawl

Chalina/ Bufanda/ scarf

Chullo/ XXX/ Peruvian hat

Chompa/ sueter o jersey (España)/ sweater

Crochet/ ganchillo- gancho para tejer (México)/ crochet, hook

Disminución simple/ surjete simple / decrease - skp (slip,knit,pass)- (slip1, knit1, pass the slipped, stitch over. The same as SKP)

Horquilla / Horquilleta/ Hairpin lace

Jalar / tensar, estirar o amarrar (España) / throw away

Lana / estambre / wool, yarn

Lazada / hebra/ yarn over (wrap the yarn around right needle)

loop / Medida / gauge

Palos o palitos de tejer/ dos agujas-agujas de tejer / knitting needles

Pastilla tejida/ motivo (cuadrado, hexágono o círculo) (Argentina) /

Poncho / capa (México) poncho

Punto / Stitch

Punto raso (crochet)/ slip stitch

Punto bajo (crochet) / medio pilar (Guatemala)- media vareta/ single crochet

Punto alto (crochet) / pilar, vareta o macizo (México) punto monito (México) / half double crochet

Punto alto doble (crochet) / doble pilar (Guatemala) doble vareta / double crochet

Punto alto triple (crochet) /triple vareta /treble crochet

Punto alto en relieve (crochet)/ front post double crochet

Pompón / Borla (México) Mota o motita (México) / pom pom

Punto inglés (dos agujas)/ Brioche stitch

Punto santa clara / Punto musgo (México) / Garter stitch

Ropón / chambrita (México) chaqueta de bebé suetercito (Guatemala) / baby jacket

Tapado / echarpe, poncho o abrigo abrochado por delante (España)

Tejer / calcetar (España) / knit

Telar / telar maya o azteca (México) / loom

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Daisypath Anniversary tickers